Undocumented Graduate Student Union

UGSU - Undocumented Graduate Student Union

Mission: UGSU aims to provide a safe space for undocumented graduate students from all walks of life to:

  • Empower undocumented graduate students and retain them throughout their graduate school career
  • Prioritize holistic, inter-sectional work that recognizes the inherent value of our diverse immigration narratives
  • Provide educational, financial, and emotional support for undocumented graduate and professional students
  • Continue the fight for immigration, justice, and equity both at the university and within our communities
  • Create a pipeline to motivate undocumented undergraduate students on campus to attain higher education and meet their educational endeavors
  • Advocate for undocumented graduate students at the administrative level

Contact Email: UndocumentedGradStudentUnion@gmail.com

*To become a part of UGSU and stay connected via a listserv and or group chat please contact them via the email address above. 

You can also contact, the AB540 & Undocumented Student Center’s Graduate Resource Coordinator for questions or connections to UGSU and graduate students at UC Davis by emailing ucdundocgsr@gmail.com.


Welcome to the AB540 & Undocumented Student Center’s toolkit on how to navigate the application process to graduate/law school programs at UC Davis as an undocumented student. We are pleased to provide support and empowerment for the undocumented student community who want to apply to graduate/law school. We hope this toolkit eases the difficulties and anxieties that come with getting ready to apply to graduate school and throughout the application process. Please look over the toolkit and if you have any questions feel free to reach out to Adriana- ucdundocgsr@gmail.com. 

UC Davis UNDOCU Law School Toolkit 

UC Davis UNDOCU Grad School Toolkit