Dear Colleagues and Friends of UC Davis:

Approximately 100,000 undocumented students graduate nationally each year from high school but are presently ineligible for federal financial aid to attend college, even though over 98% would otherwise be eligible for Pell grants and other income-based support. Of these high school graduates, approximately 27 percent live in California (Migration Policy Institute, 2019). Many have been unable to fulfill their educational dreams and aspirations due to a lack of financial support. A gift, in any amount, will help us turn dreams into reality as more eligible students look towards a UC Davis education. This fund has been established to support Undocumented students achieve their goals.
- Aggie DREAM Fund
The Aggie Dream Fund provides financial support for undocumented students to help them achieve their educational goals. The priority use of the fund is to provide general program support for the AB540 and Undocumented Student Center as well as emergency funding support for additional student expenses not covered by scholarships or financial aid awards including but not limited to books, lab fees, educational supplies, clothing, and transportation.
For further engagement opportunities, please contact our Director.