Immigration Consultation Appointments
Free Legal Immigration Consultations are provided by our partners at the UC Immigrant Legal Services Center (UC Imm).
You can also keep up with UCImm on Instagram for policy updates and additional resoures.
The following services are available to all UC students and their immediate family members at no cost:
- Confidential, in-depth consultations and evaluations about immigration-related legal matters
- Assistance with immigration applications and petitions, such as DACA renewal, family petitions, naturalization, victim-based petitions, and other immigration benefits
- Direct representation in immigration court or before immigration agencies where appropriate
- Workshops, informational sessions, and legal training for the campus community and local community
- Immigration-related questions and referrals
Make an Appointment
- Email UC Imm Staff Attorney Chris Relos via the following email:
- You will receive an email back with a form called - “Request a Legal Consultation”.
- Fill out the “Request a Legal Consultation” form and send it back to the UC Imm team.
- The UCImm team will follow up with you for a consultation appointment depending on capacity and need.