Mental Health & Wellness

Many undocumented students navigate obstacles to mental wellness in college related to exclusionary campus policies and practices and conditions such as anxiety or depression. We encourage students to check out the support resources curated here!

Mental Health Programming

The USRC hosts mental heath prograaming to provide an affirming space for students who are undocumented or from mixed-immigration status families to come together to create community, destress, and talk about their experiences, or even just their moods that day. With the help of our mental health partner, Erica Medina, M.A., a space is created to ensure that folks are not judged and that there is a community who understand their experiences. 

To know when events are held, please suscribe to our newsletter and our Instagram for updates.

Make an Appointment with our Doctoral Intern

Erica Medina, M.A. is our center's Doctoral Intern who is an undocu-friendly mental health resource that is available for undocumented and immigrant UC Davis students. 

To make an apoointment with Erica, you have the following options: 

  • Call (530) 752- 0871 and let staff know you are requesting to see Erica Medina
  • Log-in to Health-e-Messaging, select "Schedule or Cancel an Appointment" to set up an appointment online
  • Email the USRC Career Staff team, via, for a referral

Additional Resources on Campus: 

Community Advising Network (CAN)

For students who are unsure if therapy is right for them, the Community Advising Network (CAN) is a great place to start. CAN assists all students, especially those from underserved populations, to achieve their goals and address factors that may be affecting their academic success. CAN Community Counselors are a diverse group of professional staff who understand student issues and are here to help. CAN Community Counselors provide students with consultation and personal counseling in addition to programs, workshops and other campus community outreach activities.

CAN Community Counselors may provide limited consultation services to students who do not wish to disclose their identity. For more information about CAN, visit

Student Health and Counseling Services (SHCS)

SHCS provides a wide variety of medical, mental health and wellness services to all registered UC Davis students regardless of insurance coverage. Most services are provided through scheduled appointments, however urgent care (services without appointments) for acute medical and mental health needs are also available. Services are provided at two primary locations: The Student Health and Wellness Center and North Hall.

Outside Sources

Immigrant Rising Support Groups

Mental Health America:

National Council for Behavioral Health:

National Empowerment Center:

National Institute of Mental Health: