Academic Campus Resources

UC Davis offers a wide range of resources to help you find your home in the UC Davis community, succeed academically and prepare for life after college. 

The Four Academic Retention Initiatives

To align with the greater mission of the university and the Division of Student Affairs, the Academic Retention Initiatives promotes and fosters academic success, student development, and campus community.

Educational Opportunity Program (EOP)
106 South Hall

The EOP program offers an array of services to help students adapt both academically and socially to the university setting and achieve their educational and personal goals. The transition from high school or community college to a large research university can be overwhelming. EOP provides a caring and supportive environment for students to meet with peer and professional advisers and network with other students. Three staff advisers and a group of 16 peer advising counselors, in conjunction with other campus units, work together to offer students the following:

  • Scheduling assistance
  • Orientation and welcome activities
  • Academic advising
  • Personal and social support
  • Information and skill development workshops
  • Tutoring and supplemental instruction through the Student Academic Success Center
  • Guardian Scholars, a support network for former foster youth

Academic Assistance and Tutoring Centers

2205 Dutton Hall
Davis, CA 95616

The AATC offers free academic assistance to all UC Davis students. We encourage you to stop by the SASC to meet the staff, pick up copies of the workshop and drop-in schedules, and find out about all the resources we have to help you.

AATC has a resource room, 2211 Dutton Hall, that provides a variety of supplementary academic materials and resources for students including:

  • Two open-access computers for student academic use.
  • Reference books and textbooks in math, chemistry, physics, writing, and English as a Second Language.
  • Self-paced audio/visual programs in chemistry, physics, math, and English as a Second Language.
  • Final exam reviews (on DVD) for Mathematics 16ABC and Chemistry 2ABC.
  • AATC workshop series (on DVD) for Chemistry 118AB.
  • Supplementary materials for SASC chemistry and biological sciences workshops.
  • Sample exams from SASC Math B, D, 16, and 21 courses.
  • Practice topics for WLD 57 final exam.
  • The Intercultural Exchange Project referral list and information

Early Academic Outreach Program (EAOP)
3100 Dutton Hall
Davis, CA 95616

EAOP believes in contributing to educational equity and access by motivating and preparing students to pursue and succeed in postsecondary opportunities.

Pre-Graduate/Pre-Professional Advising Office

111 South Hall

Students who want to get on track and stay on track utilize advisers to plan their academic pathway. Navigating your path to success is as easy as meeting with a pre-professional or pre-graduate school adviser. You are welcome to make an appointment with an appropriate advisor or come to drop-in hours if you want to prepare to apply to health professions schools, graduate school, teaching credential programs, law school or business school.

Community Resource and Retention Center 

The Community Resource & Retention Centers strive to improve the retention of all UC Davis students by promoting Student Centered work that advances Equity. We do this by using Intersectional Approaches and Advocacy to build Community and contribute to students’ success on campus. In order to enhance the overall student experience, we intentionally ground our work in the field of Student Affairs and student development theory and employ best practices to guide our work.

University Library

100 NW Quad
Davis, CA 95616
(530) 752‑9862 

The University Library includes Shields Library, the Physical Sciences & Engineering Library, the Carlson Health Sciences Library and the Blaisdell Medical Library. Visit the libraries to study, get help with your research assignments, and access textbooks for select courses.

FAQ Center document